Al Lee Discusses Incapacity Planning on Popular Retirement Lifestyle Podcast

Firm partner Alfred S. Lee returned to The Retirement Lifestyle Show with Roshan, Adrian & Erik last month to discuss incapacity planning. Al was previously featured on the show earlier this year, when he talked about the basic elements of an estate plan and why having an estate plan is essential. In this latest episode, Mr. Lee was interviewed regarding one important estate planning topic in particular – incapacity planning. While many people are aware of the need to create wills and trusts to deal with their property after they are gone, not everyone considers how vital it is to plan for one’s own incapacity during one’s lifetime. In a conversation with the show’s hosts, Al discussed how legal documents such as a power of attorney can help ensure that important decisions regarding your healthcare and finances can be made appropriately, even if you are in no condition to make them for yourself. Click here to listen to the podcast online, or visit the Anchor FM website to stream the podcast through your favorite app.