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Chicagoland Business Tort Lawyer Serving Illinois Enterprises

You’ve worked hard to establish your business. You’ve spent nights and weekends building partnerships, client relationships, and financial plans for the future. You’ve taken steps to protect your intellectual property, comply with regulations, and ensure that you serve your customers and clients to the best of your ability. You’ve built a reputation as a trustworthy member of your industry. Then, through no fault of your own, you suddenly lose millions. A valuable customer stops engaging, you perform on a contract and get nothing in return, or you catch wind of rumors about your professional status. Some unscrupulous competitor has taken deliberate steps to harm your business, and it’s time for you to fight back.

If your business has been harmed through deliberate action by a competitor or other party, you might have a substantial claim for compensation. Whether you were subject to fraud, interference with one of your contracts, defamation, or another deliberate attack on your business, you have the right to seek compensation for the harm you have suffered. The seasoned Illinois business tort lawyers at MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle are here to help you protect your finances, your reputation, and your future.

Illinois Commercial Dispute Lawyers Pursuing All Manner of Business Tort Claims

In legal parlance, a “tort” is a civil claim based on an injury caused by another person. A person injured in a car crash has a tort claim against the at-fault driver. A business tort similarly alleges harm, but of a financial nature. Business torts typically involve deliberate acts of deception or misrepresentation that result in harm to your financial interests.

At MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, our business litigation attorneys help Chicago companies pursue all manner of business tort claims against wrongdoers, as well as defend against unfounded tort claims. Our business tort lawyers handle a wide range of business tort claims, including:

  • Fraudulent misrepresentation. You could have a claim sounding in fraud if you were fed deliberately false or misleading information and you relied on that misrepresentation to your detriment. For example, if a company applies for a loan and includes false information about its financial health in the application, the bank issues the loan, and then the company defaults, the bank could have a fraud claim against the business for the lost loan proceeds.
  • Tortious interference with contractual relations. You might have a civil claim if you had a valid and enforceable contract with another party and a third party intentionally and unjustifiably induced that party to breach your contract. Simple competition does not rise to the level of a tort. Instead, they must have acted somehow wrongfully to induce your contractual partner to breach, such as by defaming your business or interfering with their ability to perform.
  • Tortious interference with prospective economic advantage. Similar to interference with contractual relations, this tort occurs when a party intentionally and wrongfully interferes with your business relationship with another party. This claim applies when there is no established contract just yet, but you had a reasonable expectation of an impending business relationship.
  • If a competitor or other party makes a false public statement about your business and that statement causes your business to suffer financial loss, you could have a claim for defamation. A false statement made in private may still give rise to a claim if it harmed your financial interests under other tort theories.
  • Unfair competition. You might have a claim for unfair competition if another person or business uses unfair or illegal means to get an advantage over its competitors.

If your business has been harmed by the wrongful conduct of another person or business, you could have a business tort claim. Talk to an experienced business tort lawyer to discuss your case and find out how you can seek compensation for the harm your company has suffered.

Call Our Illinois Business Tort Lawyers Today to Protect Your Valuable Interests

If your Illinois business has been the victim of a business tort, or if you are facing allegations of corporate wrongdoing and need effective defense, contact the knowledgeable and thorough Chicagoland business tort lawyers at MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle for a consultation, in Hoffman Estates at 847-310-0025, or in Des Plaines at 847-298-5030.

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