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Local Government Lawyer

Local government offices face a complex set of demands. The successful government office must not only meet many of the requirements faced by private companies, but also meet requirements faced only by public offices. Operating on taxpayer funding, these offices must comply with countless local, state and federal laws on transparency and careful stewardship of public funds. These offices must also comply with the laws governing any employer, such as laws on medical and family leave, discrimination, and harassment. When a private company makes an isolated mistake, there is a substantial chance that, aside from a lawsuit, such incidents will be quickly forgotten. However, when a local government body makes similar mistakes, these errors can become the subject of the public’s scrutiny, even outrage, if not swiftly corrected.

Professional representation with extensive experience in government law

Illinois local government offices face unique challenges requiring unique legal representation. Local governments face many opportunities for liability and need skilled counsel to ensure that these opportunities are controlled or reduced as much as possible. At MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, we’ve built our practice on serving businesses and public entities. Our attorneys possess both litigation experience in the wide array of issues faced by a local government office, and knowledge of the laws and regulations affecting how local government offices must operate.

Our attorney Joseph Selbka has spent his career focusing on the legal issues faced by government bodies. Mr. Selbka began his career as a litigator for the Illinois Department of Employment Security, defending administrative review decisions made by government employees. He went on to earn his master’s degree in public administration and now teaches a course offered to graduate students in public administration. Mr. Selbka has been involved in litigation in all manner of issues faced by public bodies, including organized labor disputes, real estate and commercial contract negotiations and disputes, property title challenges, and disputes before the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. He has also lectured in ethics and governance for groups of elected officials. It is this sort of hands-on experience coupled with extensive knowledge of relevant legal subjects that local government offices need their legal counsel to possess.

Experience that meets the myriad demands made of local government offices

A local government lawyer at MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle have developed extensive knowledge in the broad spectrum of legal issues faced by local government offices, including:

Skilled Local Government Representation is Here When You Need It

Contact the local government lawyer at MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle for a consultation on your need for skilled local government representation, in Des Plaines at 847-298-5030, and in Hoffman Estates at 847-310-0025.

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