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Child Protection Lawyer Serving Illinois

We Assist Churches & Not-For-Profits

If you are a part of a program or organization that regularly deals with children, such as a church or a non-profit, it is essential to put legal provisions in place that protect the health and well-being of the children in your care. Our child protection lawyer James H. Pluymert of the law firm MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle, Ltd. works with organizations of all types to promote the welfare of children by drafting effective child protection plans.

What is a Child Protection Plan?

A child protection plan is a written policy that outlines the actions your organization will follow when handling accusations of mistreatment or abuse against children. This plan protects the rights of the kids and their parents, and it informs the staff, volunteers and other employees about the responsibility your organization has in safeguarding the kids in its care.

There are four components to a comprehensive child protection plan:

  1. Screening policies and procedures for staff and volunteers who work with children;
  2. Guidelines and practices for supervising staff and volunteers who work with children;
  3. Reporting procedures and documentation policies if abuse occurs; and a
  4. Response plan that supports and cares for the child and their family if abuse occurs.

Our team will help you develop a child protection plan that will best serve your organization. We will take time to understand the uniqueness of your program, your staff and volunteers as well as the children you care for. We will lead you and your team through the steps to create a plan that will combine the goals you have for your organization with the security of the children you have been entrusted.

Our Firm Cares about the Safety of Children

Through our work with churches and not-for-profit law, our firm understands that it takes an attorney with both a passion for the justice system and strong belief in the sanctity of religious institutions to provide the highest quality legal services to you and your organization. Hoffman Estates attorney James H. Pluymert plays an active role in the ministry of his local church, and he appreciates helping organizations like these (and others with who care for children) to design and implement child protection plans.

Helping with the Legal Needs of Your Organization

While our firm is experienced with litigation and mediation for individuals and businesses, attorney Pluymert also holds a certification as a Christian Conciliator. This gives him unique insight into the legal concerns that religious institutions and other faith-based or not-for-profit organizations might face.

For more information about how we can support your organization by creating a legally enforceable child protection plan, or if you would like to learn about the other services we offer, contact our child protection lawyer to schedule an initial consultation today.

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