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Non Compete Agreement Lawyer

Creating a non-compete agreement which is fair both to employees and to the future success of a business can be challenging. In a time when new technologies are developing at a breakneck pace, and internet-based marketing allows anyone to instantly reach out to a broad number of businesses, many employers believe it is more important than ever to utilize non-compete agreements with all employees. This creates a tension, since employers desire to protect competitive advantages, company secrets and customer relationships, while employees desire the freedom to move on in their chosen field when better opportunities present themselves. We work with employees to determine if their agreement is enforceable by a current or past employer. Contact our non-compete agreement lawyer today to discuss your questions regarding non-compete agreements in Illinois.

To make matters even more complex, Illinois courts have become increasingly strict when reviewing such agreements. Our Illinois employment law attorneys at MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle have been creating employment contracts that are fair to both employers and employees for decades.

What makes a valid non-compete agreement?

In its basic form, a non-compete agreement is designed to prevent an employee from working for a competing business for a period of time after leaving an employer. Non-solicitation agreements, which can keep former employees from soliciting a company’s customers, and anti-raiding provisions, which prevent an employee from convincing their coworkers to join them at a competing business, are often included in non-compete agreements. Other provisions within these agreements are designed to protect confidential information.

In Illinois, the laws governing non-compete agreements are constantly changing and developing, with courts frequently issuing new opinions on whether agreements can or cannot bind employees. Non-compete agreements must balance the needs of both parties, and are reviewed for the proper geographic scope, time restraints, and other factors. Employees must also receive adequate consideration when signing a non-compete agreement. The questions of whether or not an agreement is unfairly broad or lacks a sufficient benefit to an employee require a thorough knowledge of the law and insight about the latest case developments. Our non compete agreement lawyer constantly monitor court decisions and other developments in this area of the law, and can help ensure your interests are protected by a non-compete agreement.

Contact us to assist you with your Illinois Non-Compete Agreement

It is vital to determine if an agreement will stand up in a court of law, and that your rights remain protected by the contract you sign. Contact a non compete agreement lawyer from MacDonald, Lee & Senechalle for assistance in reviewing and creating your Illinois employment contract and non-compete agreement, in Hoffman Estates at 847-310-0025, and in Des Plaines at 847-298-5030.

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