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Why You Need a Healthcare Directive?

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The importance of a healthcare directive is the fact that you’re going to outline who’s going to take care of you, if you’re unable to take care of your own personal care. And what conditions and what decisions that you would like to be made in the event where you are unable to speak for yourself, without any direction of what you would like to happen if you’re on some type of life support, or you’re just so sick that you can’t speak for yourself as to the type of care that you would want.

Then, worse case scenario, you’re family’s going to have to go to court to get authority to make decisions for you. Or, some family members are going to be relied upon to hopefully carry through your wishes which may be unknown to them.

So, the importance of a healthcare directive is again, to lay out a plan for your family so that in the event you’re unable to take care of yourself, there’s direction for them and most importantly, there’s some peace for them during this difficult time.

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